Here's your morning coffee reading for today:

- David Limbaugh's column from Monday makes some excellent points about how Republicans should remember that "the liberal media do not have the best interests of Reagan conservatives in mind" in their coverage of our current and potential 2012 Presidential candidates. A must-read: | New Column: Don't Let Liberal Establishment Choose Our Candidates
- Ashley Sewell, who blogs at TX Trendy Chick, invited me on her radio program to discuss my post about Israel. Bethany Shondark was also a guest on the show. I met both Ashley and Bethany at CPAC this year: two awesome and feisty ladies who you should be following on Twitter if you aren't already (@TXTrendyChick and @bethanyshondark)
TX Trendy Chick | Podcast 17: I <3 Bibi
- The Minority Report, a great conservative blog where I sometimes contribute content, recently went through a site redesign. The new website is and you can read my latest TMR post here (cross-posted here on this blog earlier this week).

- Here's a little perspective on the Democrats' victory in the NY-26 Congressional race (and of course, information you're not getting in the mainstream media). One intriguing element is the presence of a "fake tea party" spoiler candidate (see my posts about the efforts of a fake tea party here in Florida here).
- I'm not sure whether this is what the White House meant by "leading from behind," or if the President is just nostalgic for a time when his poll numbers were better, but on a Tuesday visit to London's Westminster Abbey, President Obama signed the guest book with the date "24 May 2008." On the O'Reilly Factor last night, Dennis Miller had a humorous comment: "He signed 2008 but everything he signs leads to inflation. By the time he gets back to D.C., it'll read 2011."
There was also this great tweet from @esqcapades:
Can you blame Obama for wishing it's 2008, when Michelle was finally proud of her country? Instead it's 2011 & we're proud of Bibi.
Legal Insurrection | Does anybody really know what time it is, does anybody care, about time?
- Tim Pawlenty made a campaign stop in Tampa earlier this week. From what I hear from friends who attended, it was a great event and he made a very favorable impression.
St. Petersburg Times | Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty makes Tampa a first campaign stop
- Governor Rick Scott is signing the budget today at 1:00 pm at The Villages. You can watch it online here:
- An ABC News camera caught an interesting conversation between Congressman Paul Ryan and former President Bill Clinton regarding the recent New York special election and the current budget debate in Congress (hat tip: @kesgardner and Legal Insurrection):
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