Monday, November 5, 2012

LIBRE Initiative launches new Spanish TV ad in Orlando

The LIBRE Initiative, a conservative organization focused on Hispanic outreach, launched a television ad for Spanish television stations in the Orlando market during this last week before the election, with a simple yet powerful message:

This ad features a Puerto Rican man, who is frustrated with the economy but is confident that he can make a difference with his vote.

Translation of the ad:

I never intended to leave Puerto Rico, but I couldn't find work over there. Coming to the United States seemed like the light at the end of the tunnel. Now, I suffer the same fate here that I thought I had left behind at home.
I haven’t been able to find full-time employment, I get by with a little job here and there. [Text on screen says "Hispanic unemployment rate in Orlando is 12%"] 
Politicians tell me to get help from the government, but I prefer to work. [Text on screen says "46 million people are receiving food stamps"]  
Luckily, in this country, I can change the situation with my vote.
The ad ends with a narrator declaring:

"Este noviembre, vota y se libre."

“This November, vote and be free.”

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