
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Thanks, Charlie!

What an interesting week this has been!

I happened to catch the world premiere of Charlie Crist's first ad for Morgan & Morgan, and my YouTube video of the ad has, as of this morning, now been viewed over 40,000 times.

The video got a few laughs when I originally posted it here and sent out a few comments on Twitter, but the tipping point was when Ben Smith posted it at Politico at 8:53 a.m.

From Politico, it spread across the internet like the proverbial wildfire. (I have to say, the best headline goes to New York Magazine: "Look What Marco Rubio Did To Charlie Crist.") I had figured the ad would be funny to a few political people here in Florida, but I never expected that the entire blogosphere would be interested.

What originally struck me about the ad was that Crist seemed a little off his game. The energy and charm of the happy-go-lucky former "People's Governor" was missing, and all that was left was a sad Oompa Loompa in a suit. To compare, see the video of Crist's "Best of Both" ad from his failed Senate campaign.

The ad also lacks the usual high-quality production values of other Morgan & Morgan ads (I especially like the one where Ultima Morgan, John Morgan's wife, talks about the name of the firm). There is something very sad about Crist's performance here. It seems very clear that he just does not want to be there.

If you missed it, here's my original post, along with updates of some of the many, many places the video was linked this week:

Sunshine State Sarah | It was only a matter of time

Finally, last night, Sunshine State Sarah made its prime time debut. MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews featured my video:

First up...whiplash specialist! Just one year ago Charlie Crist was  of course Governor of Florida and a candidate for the U.S. Senate. Now Crist has turned from public service to public pitchman...I thought trial lawyers were all Democrats!
Well, Chris, there's a lot of us who think Charlie is a Democrat, so you may not be that far off. Thanks for playing the video. It was great to see my website up on the screen for all 37 of your viewers to see. ;)

Anyway, I've enjoyed my 12 seconds of internet fame. Thanks to everyone who helped pass this video on, and hello to my new readers. It's nice to have you.

UPDATE: Robert Stacy McCain, who blogs at The Other McCain and I had the pleasure of meeting at CPAC, posted this today:

The Other McCain | VIDEO: Charlie Crist Helps Sarah Rumpf (Finally) Get Her 15 Minutes of Fame

McCain also posted on Twitter his campaign to get me invited on RedEye...thank you!

"How could someone with the Twitter handle '@Rumpfshaker' not be famous?" [] @GregGutfeld @AndyLevy #LegChairSat May 07 16:18:52 via web


  1. great catch, sarah. i almost feel sorry for the guy---until i realize, no, I don't! i feel sorry for lawyers. crist is perpetuating their harsh stereotype of being low-lifes. (And I love how big the firm is. Note at the end: "Offices - Orlando" haha. template advertising.)

    still, between the talking heads apology video and this attorney promo, someone needs to take away crist's belt and shoelaces.

  2. Ha ha yes you should be on Red Eye. That would be great!
