
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It was only a matter of time

Charlie Crist made headlines when he joined the Morgan and Morgan law firm after getting his tail handed to him by Marco Rubio in last year's Senate race.

Tonight, the World's Tallest Oompa-Loompa made his transition from the self-appointed "People's Governor" to "For The People," as this television ad began running:

It's nice that they helpfully point out that Ol' Charlie is actually an attorney.

The ad looks like he put on a jacket and wandered down the hallway right after finishing this infamous video:

YouTube | Charlie Crist Official Apology to David Byrne for Copyright Infringement

Update: Here is Saint Petersblog's take on the ad.

Update #2: This post was linked on PolitiJax, the Florida Times-Union's political blog.

Update #3: My video is now linked on Politico.

Update #4: The video has now truly gone viral. (Hello new readers!) It is all over the internets, and the universal response seems to be ridicule, if not outright contempt. I've had to gently remind a few people to give me credit, but most (but not all...ahem!) are giving links back.

Anyway, here's some of what I've seen so far. Let me know if you find other links:

New York Magazine | Look at What Marco Rubio Did to Charlie Crist
The Daily Caller | Need a lawyer? Charlie Crist's new television ad
Salon | Charlie Crist will get you the personal injury settlement you deserve
Moe Lane | Charlie Crist, Ambulance Chaser
RedState | The "Charlie Crist, ambulance chaser" Open Thread
Wonkette | Charlie Crist Now Making Local TeeVee Ads, Working for Ambulance Chaser
South Florida Lawyers | Charlie Crist, Plaintiffs' Lawyer!
Ricochet | This is What Happens When You Mess With Marco Rubio
St. Petersburg Times | The Buzz | Charlie Crist back on TV - as trial lawyer pitchman 
Sun-Sentinel | Florida Politics | Charlie Crist turns lawyer pitchman
Sun-Sentinel | Blogosphere has fun with new Charlie Crist ad
Club For Growth | Charlie Crist is Chasing Ambulances
Palm Beach Post | Cerabino: Crist's new job a sign of how far he's fallen
Democrats for Sale Blog | Update on Former Governor Charlie Crist
The Stranger | Slog | Rent Charlie Crist by the Hour!
Towleroad | Do you have an accident claim or insurance dispute? Attorney Charlie Crist is here to help
CNN Political Ticker | Crist hits the tube with a new ad...for a law firm
Yahoo! Blogs | The Ticket | Charlie Crist is back on a trial lawyer pitchman
The Huffington Post | Charlie Crist Now Just Working as a Personal Injury Lawyer
Real Clear Politics | Charlie Crist's New TV Ad...for a law firm
Gawker | Charlie Crist Now Just Another Ambulance Chaser
Wall Street Journal | Meet Charlie Crist, personal injury lawyer
USA Today | On Politics | Meet Charlie Crist, personal injury lawyer
Fox News | America's Election HQ | Charlie Crist's New Job: TV Pitchman
HotAir | Good news: Charlie Crist launches exciting new career

Heh. I wonder if they are rethinking the wisdom of that TV ad. It's free press for the firm, but wow, such a negative reaction can't be good.

I know a lot of excellent, ethical, hard-working personal injury attorneys (including several others at Morgan & Morgan), and I really question the judgment of anyone who thinks hiring the Oompa Loompa is a good idea.

Update #5: the video has now been viewed over 4,000 10,000 20,000 (!) times. I've added a title on the video with my website address now to capitalize on the free press, since not everyone was nice enough to give me credit for finding the ad. I seriously never thought this would catch on like this. I thought it would be funny for a few dozen of my politico friends in Florida, but never like this. I'm also shocked I was the first one to find it.


  1. ha your video is going viral

  2. thanks for posting this. I am not a fan of Charlie, but putting that aside... I think he looks terrible here! The lighting, makeup and background are not at all flattering which surprises me. In the old days, Charlie would have taken much care to achieve the best possible image - has he simply given up???

  3. that guy is really orange

  4. Wow, congratulations, Sarah, on all the attention this is getting! "World's tallest Oompa-Loompa" cracks me up.

  5. Great job on finding this video! Sorry to hear more did not cite you as the original poster of the vid. So is Crist still an Orlando Personal Injury attorney with "For The People"? Seems a bit of a desperate move.
