
Thursday, November 29, 2012

This is a must read: "Conservative Outreach to Hispanics: A Primer"

A prominent topic of the conservative movement's endless election postmortem discussions has been the issue of the Hispanic vote. Not surprisingly, a lot of people have a lot of opinions on the subject, and it can be difficult to tell at first glance which ideas are worth pursuing.

Below, I've embedded a paper titled, "Conservative Outreach to Hispanics: A Primer," which was written by Samuel A. Rosado and Brittney Morrett, with contributions from Michelle Lancaster and Ben Domenech.

Here's the intro Michelle wrote on her blog post about the paper:

While our primer I'm including here is lengthy, I hope you will take the time to read it and consider joining us in having a conversation on the greatness of conservatism.  Once the story of conservatism is shared, it will win.  After all, what is better than personal responsibility, limited government and freedom?  One word:  nada.
...Join us!  Don't leave it to someone else, you ARE someone else! 

Definitely take the time to read the paper, and please share with your friends. (Click here if you can't see the embedded file below. You can also click the button on the bottom right of the embed window to get a fullscreen view of the paper.)

Biographies of the authors of the paper:
Samuel A. Rosado is a young attorney residing in New Jersey. He served as Executive Director of the Republican Hispanic Assembly of New Jersey in 2010, and has been a freelance contributor and writer on Hispanic issues and engagement for Politic365, The Daily Grito, and Misfit Politics. Follow him on twitter at @sarosado.
Brittney Morrett currently works promoting economic freedom to US Hispanic youth with a non-partisan, non-profit. In the past she has worked for the the Leadership Institute and the Center for a Free Cuba. She has spoken at events and universities across the country on youth and Hispanic outreach. Follow her on twitter at @bmorrett.

Follow me on Twitter at @rumpfshaker

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely agree! The number one thing Republicans need to is be present in these communities.

    I spend most of my spare time at a Hispanic church with mostly immigrant families. If there are any other conservatives there they are keeping as quiet as I am. Most of the volunteers are very liberal, and the kids I work with are only exposed to one viewpoint, between school (teachers, etc) and the church community programs.

    They are surrounded by a message that you do not care about them if you are a conservative.

    They need to see people who are actively engaged in their lives, who can say "it is *because* I care about you that I am conservative. Because I believe these policies will benefit *you*. And because when people need help, the best help they can get is through their neighborhoods and communities -- not through a government program but from my being here."

    The message conservatives are fighting against is so pervasive, the only way to change things is to be present, build real relationships, and show through our actions that we care about and are committed to this community. They believe the message that we don't care because we aren't there showing them it's not true.
