
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Clear contrast in race for Massachusetts' 4th District

Sean Bielat, candidate (R, MA-4)
What a contrast...

Last Thursday, Republican Congressional candidate Sean Bielat kicked off his campaign for Massachusetts' Fourth Congressional District at a VFW Hall in Needham, a quaint little town of less than 30,000. Bielat asked his supporters to bring friends and make a "suggested donation" of $20.

Meanwhile, Bielat's Democratic opponent, Joe P. Kennedy III (grandson of Robert Kennedy), will be flying to California next week to raise money from some of those Democrats in Hollywood. Tickets start at $500 per person. 

How very 1% of him! 

Hopefully this time the combination of Kennedys and Hollywood at a fundraiser won't result in any wrecked buses.

The Left has been busy during the past year trying to stir up class warfare issues, but it looks like the people of Massachusetts should be asking themselves who better represents them?

More information on Sean Bielat:
Facebook page for Sean Bielat for Congress
Twitter: @SeanBielat

1 comment:

  1. The Tea Party has done the job the GOP has needed of showing the true contrasts by defining our core values. The more we accomplish this task of messaging the differences to the American people, the more they will recognize that contrast in our candidates. This 4th District race exemplifies this contrast. Sarah calls it a clear contrast. The lefts job is to muddy that contrast. To make Joe 3 look like he is qualified and like he is moderate. After a few weeks of watching Sean Bielat, I very clearly see that the left has their work cut out for them. He is one very impressive candidate. Joe 3? I will be nice and just use a phrase I learned in the Caribbean. They do not say, "You are fired." they instead say "This job is not for you."
