
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Keith Olbermann calls me "improbable"...huh?!

Just when I think liberal media bias has reached the apex of insanity, I find something like this...

Keith Olbermann, who was too ridiculous for even MSNBC to tolerate, recently landed at Al Gore's internet television venture "Current TV." As expected, the move to an online audience hasn't toned down Olby's foaming-at-the-mouth liberal ranting.

This weekend, I got a tip on Twitter (thank you, @aipolitics) that Olbermann had mentioned me last week as part of his tiresome segment naming various people conservatives as "The Worst Person in the World." Unlike Olbermann, I know how to use Google (more on that in a minute), and easily found the video (relevant section starts at about the two-minute mark):

A quick note: as of the moment I'm writing, this video has 764 views. I'm curious to see how many more Olby gets after I link to him.

Olbermann is referring to a blog post I wrote the night of the Republican presidential debate in Orlando, in which I described the truth about what happened when a few people booed after a YouTube video was shown with a gay soldier asking a question about the repeal of "don't ask don't tell." Dana Loesch linked and quoted from that post  in her own post over at Big Journalism and then wrote a followup commentary when President Obama wrongfully claimed that Republican audiences were booing a soldier in Iraq because he was gay. Apparently, the idea that conservative bloggers would link to each other is an outrageous offense in Olbermann's weird little mind.

Olbermann insults Loesch's intelligence over and over, but then repeatedly has trouble pronouncing her name. C'mon, Olby, it's not that hard to say: "Loesch" sounds like "low," like your ratings were on MSNBC, and "shhh," like the sound we made when we were shushing the jerk a few rows in front of us who booed that soldier.

Oh yeah, let's get back to the heart of the matter - what the audience actually did after the soldier asked his question. And, remember Olbermann, the accounts of the people who were actually there (people seated near me, and Fox News moderators Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier) all back up my recollection of events and description in my blog post:

When the soldier appeared on the screen, no one booed.
When he said he was gay, no one booed.
When he said he had to keep that secret to be in the military, no one booed.
When he said he was now openly serving in the military as a gay man, no one booed.
When he asked if the candidates would roll back the repeal of DADT, a few (by my estimate, two) people booed and the rest of us hissed at them for being classless jerks.

For the millionth time: two idiots out of a crowd of over 5,000 booed, it's not entirely clear what precisely induced the booing, and the audience was angry and upset that they were booing. It is a blatant lie to say that "the audience was booing." So, YES, Loesch was correct when she wrote that it was "a lie" for Obama "to willfully misstate that the actions of a couple individuals were instead from the entire audience."

Simple facts are a lot for Olbermann to handle, and after freaking out that Loesch would dare to call the President a liar (when he was, you know, lying), Olbermann turns on Loesch's link to my blog post:
She quoted a witness with the improbable name of Sarah Rumpf, "There was audible booing after his question..."
What Olbermann leaves out is the rest of my sentence from that blog post: 
...however, please note that it was not the crowd booing. It was only one or two people.
I know I'm sounding like a broken record at this point, but holy heck, the whole point of my original blog post and Loesch's posts was not to deny that any booing happened, but to simply clarify that it was only a few individuals out of over five thousand people. 

And as far as Olbermann's statement that I have an "improbable" he suggesting that I'm not real? That Loesch made me up to support her story? Wow. If Olbermann had bothered to Google my name, he would have easily found lots of links and images that show I'm a real person, even if he spelled it wrong ("Sara Rumpf") like it was on his show.

FYI, @keitholbermann, Sarah Rumpf is my REAL name. It's unique, but not "improbable." And looks like my blog gets more hits than your videosSun Oct 02 11:07:07 via web

Can't y'all afford interns at Current TV, @keitholbermann? If you Google my name, you can see that I'm real (even w/the misspelling). #moronSun Oct 02 11:12:05 via UberSocial for BlackBerry

Memo to Keith Olbermann: my name may be unique, but I am definitely real...and also an attorney. So please, go ahead and keep quoting me out of context and lying about me. I'm sure that will work out well for you. Although, to be honest, I probably won't do anything because I feel like it would be mean-spirited to sue someone who gets so few website hits.

UPDATE: Dana Loesch responds to Olbermoron here.

UPDATE #2: Don't miss Stacy McCain's hilarious take on this story here (and yeah, I think I really do need business cards that say "Sarah Rumpf, Esq.: If Olbermann Hates Her, You Know She's Totally Awesome").

UPDATE #3: Wow, Current TV is such a mess. The link to Olbermann's little video is dead on the main Current TV website, but I found it cross-posted here:


  1. Ha, you really gave Olbermann the smackdown!

    (making mental note to never, ever piss you off...)

  2. I think that being awarded the title of Worst Person in the World by Kieth Olbermann would be a great honor.

  3. Why in the world are you giving this pathetic individual publicity? He's almost vanished into the shadows. Let him do so. That is my advice.

    Apart from that, keep up the good work.
