
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Marco Rubio speaking at the Reagan Library OH HECK YEAH

In case you missed the live webcast Tuesday evening, here's the video from Marco Rubio's incredibly inspiring speech at the Reagan Library:

YouTube | copyrightphotos | Senator Marco Rubio Live @ The Reagan Library August 23, 2011

Lots of red meat for conservatives in that speech, but here are two of my favorite quotes:
Conservatism is not about leaving people behind. Conservatism is about allowing people to catch up.
Our rights don't come from our government. Our rights come from our God. Rights come from God.
After the speech, Rubio took several minutes to answer questions that had been submitted by audience members. As expected, several people asked about a potential role for Rubio in the upcoming 2012 elections. Rubio demurred, saying that he wanted to make a difference in the Senate.

Reality check: @MarcoRubio is an awesome Senator. He would be also an awesome VP candidate. We win both ways. #tcotWed Aug 24 01:52:41 via UberSocial for BlackBerry

Rubio also got a question about the tea party, and his response was followed with enthusiastic applause:
Question: If you could give the tea party one idea or topic for them to focus on, what would it be?
Rubio: I think they are focused on it, and that's the proper role of government in America.
Isn't Florida wonderful? We have sunshine, no state income tax, and MARCO RUBIO.

For those watching Sen @marcorubio delivering a speech at the @ronaldreagan40 Library: he's NOT using a teleprompter. #justsayingWed Aug 24 01:38:30 via UberSocial for BlackBerry

(Hat tip to @FloridaJayHawk who posted a link to the video on Twitter)

[Cross-posted at The Minority Report and RedState]


  1. FYI Senator Rubio's office posted this link on Twitter with the text of his speech:

  2. Can we clone him? I'll take three; I need two new senators and a husband. ;-)

  3. Just got this text from a friend: RUBIO RUBIO RUBIO RUBIO RUBIO RUBIO RUBIO!

    That pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?


    RUBIO 2012!

  5. I admire Marc Rubio for stating this quote, - " Our rights don't come from our government. Our rights come from our God. Rights come from God." I agree that our rights come from God and no law can ever break it except the law of God. By the way, it was a very inspiring speech indeed.
